Primeira Liga
Primeira LigaPortugal
  1. 1Sporting Lisbon Overall standingsSporting Lisbon18142244
  2. 2Benfica Overall standingsBenfica18132341
  3. 3Porto Overall standingsPorto18131440
  4. 4Sporting Braga Overall standingsSporting Braga18104434
  5. 5Santa Clara Overall standingsSanta Clara18101731
  6. 6Casa Pia Overall standingsCasa Pia1876527
  7. 7Vitoria Guimaraes Overall standingsVitoria Guimaraes1868426
  8. 8Moreirense Overall standingsMoreirense1865723
  9. 9Gil Vicente Overall standingsGil Vicente1857622
  10. 10Estoril Overall standingsEstoril1856721
  11. 11Famalicão Overall standingsFamalicão1848620
  12. 12Rio Ave Overall standingsRio Ave1855820
  13. 13Nacional Overall standingsNacional1854919
  14. 14Estrela Overall standingsEstrela18441016
  15. 15Arouca Overall standingsArouca18441016
  16. 16Farense Overall standingsFarense1836915
  17. 17AVS Overall standingsAVS1829715
  18. 18Boavista Overall standingsBoavista18261012
In this section, you can see past matches and statistics, Primeira Liga the number of matches played by the teams, the number of wins, losses, the number of goals scored, You can see the number of goals conceded and the average and review the fixture details.